Firefox DevTools Focus Ring Styles


Interactive example

Recommended testing method: use the Tab and Shift+Tab keyboard shortcuts to tab through the different elements in the example. Use the theme switcher button to check the focus styles on both light and dark themes.

24px Toolbar:
24px Toolbar:

Note: avoiding focus styles after mouse interaction

We want to avoid showing proeminent focus styles after mouse clicks on button elements. This can be a source of confusion for mouse-centric users, when using subtle focus styles (see e.g. bug 1476296); in my experience it's a very common source of confusion when using more visible focus styles.

The ideal solution would be to use the :focus-visible CSS feature, which is supposed to only activate on certain elements (e.g. text inputs) and/or after keyboard navigation (precise heuristics are left to browser implementation).

Right now, :focus-visible is only implemented behind a flag in Chrome, and Firefox has the older :moz-focusring which sadly seems to work exactly like :focus these days (could be a recent regression). Gecko implementation bug for :focus-visible.

Implementing this design is blocked on Gecko implementing :focus-visible!

We've implemented this example using a JavaScript polyfill (WICG/focus-visible).